David Carson: The Accidental Revolutionary Who Gave Graphic Design a Punk Makeover

For graphic designers of a certain vintage (myself included!), David Carson's chaotically beautiful grunge design style was the gold standard against which all design was to be measured. At one…

Penpot vs. Sketch: A Comprehensive Comparison for the Discerning Design Professional

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital design, selecting the right tools can significantly impact a professional's workflow and output. Two platforms have emerged as prominent contenders in…

Brand Watch: Thomson Reuters Gets a Brand Update for the First Time in 16 Years

Thomson Reuters, the global content and technology powerhouse, has unveiled a refreshed brand identity, marking its first major rebranding in 16 years. This strategic move signals the company's…

Brand Watch: Disney Jr Gets a Glossy New Logo

Spotted recently is a new look for Disney Jr. which was probably created by Disney's no doubt massive in-house design and marketing team. Gone is the flat, geometric blocky look of old and in comes a…

Brand Watch: The RSPCA Gets a Complete Rebrand for the First Time in 50 Years

Fresh off the shelves is a complete brand overhaul by creative agency Jones Knowles Ritchie for the world's largest animal charity, the RSPCA. I've been seeing this one catching some heat online for…